


而宾夕法尼亚州西部的天气会试图告诉bwin体育相反的情况, 高等教育界的夏天来临了. That means that in the next few weeks your student will be making their way home for the first time in a while and will be transitioning back home, 这对任何人来说都不是最容易的. It is my hope in this short article to give some helpful tips for welcoming your student home for the summer and being able to engage and encourage them in positive ways.

For some of you welcoming home upperclassman you know what to expect as summer approaches and for others this will be a first-time experience. Some students will be eager to find their way home after a long semester and welcome familiar people and rhythms, while other students will be struggling to transition home from a place that they love and saying goodbye to friends for a significant amount of time. As parents it is helpful to meet your student where they are and figure out a healthy balance as they transition home for the summer. 虽然把你的孩子当作成年人看待是很有挑战性的, 这就是他们正在慢慢变成的样子, and college has offered them opportunities for independence in ways they probably did not experience in high school. My biggest encouragement would be to engage your student with open 谈话s and an open mind. 虽然这可能会让人不舒服, plan a time to talk with your student shortly after they get home about how they navigated at college, helpful questions about the expectations you have for them as they enter back into your home, and finding a common ground that allows for them to continue to operate out of their independence while also honoring your expectations for them. 相信我, having these 谈话s at the onset of the summer will save you from hassle and arguments.

As I mentioned earlier, transitioning home can be challenging for you and your student. They just spent the last eight months in an intentional community learning and growing alongside some of their closest friends; losing that for a time is hard. Your student may be discouraged, feeling lonely, and not knowing how to re-engage back home. 我的建议是和你的学生一起登记, 看看他们是怎么做的, ask them intentional questions about what they may be missing from college or what they hope to do over their summer. It is so crucial that students find community and activities at home that are like those they had at school. Encourage them to get involved in a local young adult’s ministry, Bible study, or church. 鼓励他们在家的时候去找导师, someone who can check in with them and help them navigate life back at home. Encourage them to keep contact with friends and mentors from Geneva over the summer who can help make the transition more manageable. Remember to give opportunities for your student to engage in things you know they love. 计划一次去他们最喜欢的避暑胜地的旅行, 做熟悉的饭菜, invite friends and family over that will help your student adjust more easily.

If you can remember from last months article, being intentional goes a long way. By asking a few good questions to your student you can do wonders in making sure their transition home is smooth and restful for them. 不管你的学生是怎么回家的, 要知道他们关心你, 即使事情看起来很艰难, and that they just want to receive respect and freedom in the ways they experienced it in college. 设定界限是可以的,但半途而废会创造奇迹. Enjoy the summer and the gift of having your student back home, we will surely be missing them!


-John Wilhelm,校园事工主任

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