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Take Time to Reflect

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Well. . . you did it! Another academic year in the books! Congratulations! 对于一些人来说,你的学生已经完成了大学的第一年,做得很好. For others, your student is now a college graduate, 我敢肯定,这是一种喜忧参半的情绪,也许还有一些不确定.  Regardless of where you are in this process, 暑假是反思的好时机, for both you and your student.

          那么,反思的意义是什么,你如何做好反思? 反思最简单的定义就是仔细思考.  反思让bwin体育的大脑有机会在日常生活的混乱中停下来, 整理:通过观察和经验来理清和整理, 并考虑多种可能的解释并创造意义. 这种意义通常会导致学习,这种意义的形成对学生的持续成长和发展至关重要.

          然而,bwin体育中的许多人并不了解反思的过程.  bwin体育也可能不喜欢这个过程,因为它要求bwin体育放慢速度, embrace uncertainty, and take personal responsibility.  这可能会导致不舒服、脆弱甚至防御的感觉.  反思是验证你独特经历的有效方式.  It can also help create a space for gratitude. With all this being said, as parents of college students, 我强烈建议你鼓励你的学生参与这个过程,甚至更好, to engage in this process of reflection with them.

          好了,现在你可能会想,好吧,我已经准备好尝试了,但我从哪里开始呢?  首先,选择一个符合您偏好的反射过程.  有些人喜欢通过写日记来反思,而另一些人则更喜欢与他人交流.  你可以坐着、骑自行车、站着、独自思考或和别人一起思考——无论哪种方式最适合你.  Second, schedule a time and commit to keeping it.  No excuses! (如果你避开了计划中的反思时间,我建议你反思一下😊).  Next, start small.  如果一个小时的反思似乎太多了,那就试着花10分钟,然后在此基础上不断发展.

          Finally, to get you started on this reflection journey, 我想给你一些建议,你和你的学生可以一起讨论. So here we go:

  • What are you most proud of from the past academic year? Why does this make you proud?
  • What went well this past academic year? 哪些工具、支持或资源帮助了你的成功?
  • What did not go well this past academic year? 缺少了什么使这段经历具有挑战性或不受欢迎?
  • 你对自己减轻挑战的需求有什么见解? Where or how can you fulfill these needs in the future?
  • What did you learn from overcoming challenges? 当类似的问题出现时,你将如何记住你所学到的并应用它?
  • Who and what helped you to grow this year?
  • How did the Lord show up in your life this year?
  • What experiences are you grateful for? How can you acknowledge or express that gratitude?
  • 你现在比上一学年结束时更擅长什么? How did this come to be?
  • When did you feel happiest or most at ease this year? How can you experience these moments more frequently?
  • What did you let go of?
  • 今年你学到的最重要的一课是什么?
  • What did you learn about yourself?
  • How were you kind to yourself?
  • How did you step out of your comfort zone this year?

Okay . . . ready . . . set . . . go . . . reflect! I can’t wait to see what you discover!


-Amy Solman, Director of Health and Counseling Services

bwin体育博客中表达的观点是其作者的观点,并不一定代表bwin体育的观点或官方立场. bwin体育博客是教师和撰稿人表达观点的地方, academic insights, 并为全国对话做出贡献,激发人们的思考, conversation, and the pursuit of truth, in line with our philosophy as a Christian, liberal arts institution.

May 15, 2023

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