


随着暑假的临近, one question is going through college students’ heads, “bwin体育暑假该做什么呢??“选择全职工作, 找份实习工作,忙个不停, or watching Netflix all summer can be a tough decision. What I have come to find is that there is a balance. 当你上大学的时候, summer provides a couple months to catch up on some important areas in your life that tend to get neglected when you are in school. Here are five things college students do this summer without becoming overwhelmed:

1. 补觉

睡眠非常重要. Sleep is also something that is sometimes hard to come by when school is in session. It should be something we make a priority during the semester, but often we don’t. Rest is an essential part to living to our best potential. 所以今年夏天,不要把自己拉伸得太瘦. Part of making the most of your summer break is taking care of your body by resting and sleeping; something you haven’t gotten to do in a while.

2. 完成家务

This one is not as fun as sleeping, but is also very important. We all have those to do lists that have nothing to do with school, but still need done. It is hard to fit in extra things during the school year. 所以在你这个夏天的空闲时间, seize the opportunity to get all of your errands out of the way so that you are prepared for the upcoming school year. 当八月来临, all you will have to focus on is school (and clubs, 工作, 体育, 朋友, 等等).

3. 抓住机会

实习, job or taking advantage of service opportunities are things a lot of us do not as much time to do as we would like during the semester. Summer is a great time to have a part-time job and make some extra money, take a part in an internship to get some experience, 或者在教堂或当地组织服务. There are so many opportunities that we often have to miss due to lack of time. So this summer, don’t let those opportunities get away from you.

4. 赶上人们

与人交流是非常非常重要的. bwin体育经常在学校见到bwin体育的朋友. 但是家里的朋友呢? 那工作中的人呢? 甚至是你的家人? Take some time this summer to invest in the relationships you have. With home工作 piled up we don’t always have time to spend three hours on the phone talking to our grandmothers. This summer take some time to go out to coffee with that friend, 去看看你以前的同事吧, 带你妹妹出去约会, call your grandparents and spend time with your parents. Quality time with people we care about is something that is of short supply during the semester, 所以别忘了给他们安排时间.

5. 追上上帝

最后一步是最重要的一步. 现在, I am by no means saying that we should ignore God during the semester and then “catch up on God” when we have time. 不幸的是, we sometimes let our busy schedules push God out, 这可能意味着去教堂的次数减少了, 更不用说祈祷了, 或者不每天读圣经. 不要在夏天重复这种模式. Go for a hike, bring your Bible and spend some alone time with God. 安排每日灵修. 开始写祷告日志. Set up habits for being with God that translate into keeping those habits even when you are in school and busy. Set reminders on your phone, or do whatever 工作s for you. Then, when school starts again, you can continue to grow in your spiritual walk with Him.

凯尔西·罗宾逊——kelsey Robinson, 18岁

Opinions expressed in the bwin体育的博客 are those of its contributors and do not necessarily represent the opinions or official position of the College. The bwin体育的博客 is a place for faculty and contributing writers to express points of view, 学术见解, and contribute to national 谈话s to spark thought, 谈话, 以及对真理的追求, 符合bwin体育作为基督徒的哲学, 文科院校.




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