人常责备他,他就硬着颈项... -bwin体育bwin体育-bwin体育


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Proverbs 29:1 – “人常责备他,他就硬着颈项, 会突然毁灭,无法补救吗.”

超越自己的经验, 聪明人向别人学习, 来自父亲和母亲, 老师, 朋友, 警察, 甚至是敌人. They listen to advice, they watch and observe, and they learn from books, such as Proverbs.

还有一些人拒绝学习, both the passively aggressive who pretend to listen but change nothing, 公然挑衅. 无论哪种情况, the proverb notes the frequent “body language” that goes with such defiance, a certain way of holding one’s head with a stiff neck that communicates, “我没在听!” 父母 see such posture in their children: head held still with stiff neck, while child calculates whether he must comply or not. Note that fools who ignore rebukes are “often rebuked” -- by parents, 老师, 长老, 甚至法律体系, 每个人都希望他们“聪明点”.”

在这一生的大部分时间里, God allows us to escape the natural and deserved consequences of our follies – until suddenly He doesn’t. I, 还有我所有的儿子, remember multiple times when we did things that could easily have gotten us killed, 而是靠着神的恩典, 没有. 父母, 老师, 法律体系也是这样运作的, rarely bringing the fully deserved consequence on wrongdoers. But then suddenly, or so it seems to the incorrigible, time’s up. 灾难.

在我教书的高中, the parents of an incorrigible son changed the locks on their house the day he finished school, 把他的东西放在外面, 告诉他他不再住在那里了. Incredulous, he broke in to what he still thought was “his” home. 父母报了警. 他们以私闯民宅的罪名逮捕了那个男孩. 老师, who often sympathize with children against their parents, in this case heartily approved the parents’ actions, 是符合申命记21:18-21的精神吗.

这些傻瓜会怎么样? Like Humpty Dumpty, they are destroyed beyond remedy. By the time they need a second chance, they have already had dozens of them. There may be hope for them in the next life, if they repent, but they have no more hope in this one. Without repentance, they will enter where the entrance warns, “Abandon hope, all ye who enter here.”

这句谚语是针对谁说的? 第一个, it is for all who refuse rebukes with “stiff necks,” being yet one more warning that stubborn refusal to listen will result in sudden destruction. 第二个, 这句谚语是写给父母的, 朋友, 和老师, who with unconscious pride take the blame when someone rejects their rebuke: “if I had just said it right, 他会听的.” A high school principal I worked for used to say, “如果一个孩子在你的课堂上没有学到东西, 他没有受过教育.“都怪老师. “并非如此,”这句谚语反驳道. 有些人拒绝所有的指导. 他们的悲惨命运是咎由自取.

Dr. 比尔埃德加, bwin体育大学校董会成员, Former bwin体育大学 President and longtime pastor in the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America (RPCNA)

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