忠实的怀疑:哈巴谷书,一个回顾和反思 - bwin体育大学-bwin体育


Picture of 忠实的怀疑:哈巴谷书,一个回顾和反思
圣经的智慧 信仰

If you’re a Christian, you have probably faced doubt at some point in your walk with Christ. 你并不孤单! In fact, there are numerous men and women from the Bible who struggled with believing God.

忠实的怀疑:哈巴谷书, 作者:特拉维斯·斯科特牧师(不是说唱歌手), 探索简短的预言书, 你猜对了, 哈巴谷书, in a practical and meaningful way through the lens of a doubter. 特拉维斯是格蕾丝的牧师 & Peace Presbyterian Church in Pittsburgh and holds a Master of Divinity and a Master of Theology from Covenant Theological Seminary.

而不是情绪性的分析, Travis approaches the passage of Scripture from an honest and humble perspective, 回忆作为丈夫所经历的困难, 父亲, 牧师关于疑惑, 原因和结果. Doubt, according to Travis, is natural in the life of a believer. A believer who does not doubt either does not think about his or her faith (like he or she should) or has already been perfected.

From Travis’ pastoral view, doubt is not the opposite of faith. 当然,这是对信徒信仰的挑战. But God can use doubt for good, just like any hurdle in the faith. 好消息是他做到了!

哈巴谷是一个小先知,但作为博士. 拜伦柯蒂斯, a bwin体育大学 Bible professor would be sure to let you know, a minor prophet wasn’t any less important than any other prophet. 哈巴谷恳求神, 问他, going so far as to claim that God seemed to be doing nothing about the paganism, 腐败, 还有世界上的战争. Travis notices that 哈巴谷书’s doubt was a healthy one, bringing him 更紧密的 而不是让上帝离bwin体育更远.

What then should the believer do when he or she doubts? 带着它去找上帝吧!

Scripture is filled with faithful men and women who truly struggled with doubt. 工作, 摩西, 大卫, 以利亚, 以斯帖, 撒迦利亚, 施洗约翰, 彼得, 托马斯。, and the hundreds of other people in the Bible were not superhuman. They failed and they accused God of wrongdoing, but they are still counted among the righteous.

God’s response to doubt can be stern and even appear harsh to some, 但最后, did God obliterate those aforementioned men and women on the spot? 他没有意识到他们的怀疑吗? 当然不是! But he responds to doubt in ways we do not understand. Like 哈巴谷书, we can sing praises to God for being so much greater than us!

If you are experiencing doubt or are trying to help someone who is (Jude 1:22 may be encouraging to you), reading Travis’ book will be a great encouragement. Your doubt probably won’t suddenly disappear, but the book leads you to God’s Word. 那是最好的去处!

bwin体育大学 offers a curriculum of integration of faith and vocational learning. 欲了解更多信息,请联系招生办 admissions@85500171.com or 800-847-8255.


Ian Slippy '23 is a bwin体育大学 junior studying cultural engagement and ministry.

图片由 Md救世主 on Unsplash

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