箴言24:3-4 -4—房屋是靠智慧建造的... -bwin体育bwin体育-bwin体育

箴言24:3-4 -4—房屋是靠智慧建造的...

Picture of 箴言24:3-4 -4—房屋是靠智慧建造的...

What builds a “house” and fills its rooms with riches? 智慧! Where do 父亲 and mother learn wisdom so they can build their house, that is, their family? They learn it most easily when their own parents apprentice them to it, 水管工的培训方式, but also when they possess the inherited wisdom of generations summed up in pithy proverbs. Such proverbs make wisdom available to literate and illiterate alike.

一些古老的美国谚语适用于满足的家庭. “不要小题大做。.“船到桥头自然直。.“不要过早打如意算盘。.”“生气的时候,先数到十再说话.“不要为打翻的牛奶哭泣。.其他文化也有自己的智慧, like “Don’t curse a crocodile until you have crossed the river.” Literate societies tend to abandon their inherited proverbs, but these old maxims provide better guidance for family life than hundreds of books about marriage and childrearing.

The main point of this proverb, therefore, is that to build a house, learn the wisdom in Proverbs! Here are some that come to mind as I write, quotation marks omitted. 喝自己蓄水池里的水, and let your fountain be blessed to rejoice in the wife of your youth. 不忍用杖打的,是恨自己的儿子. 快乐的心是有益的,就像药. A wise son listens to his 父亲’s instructions and does not forsake his mother’s words. Raise up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will stay on the path. Lands and inheritance are from ancestors, but a good wife is from the LORD. 酒是嘲弄人的东西. 一个勇敢的妻子——胜过红宝石! 趁你还有时间管教你的儿子. 儿子在收获季节睡觉,使母亲蒙羞. Better a vegetarian meal with love than grilled lamb with hatred. 当你的母亲年老时,不要轻视她. 敬畏耶和华是智慧的开端.

Live long enough to see your children love their children, and you will thank the Lord for filling your rooms with precious and pleasant memories. Grandchildren tearing around your house with laughter, whom you can confidently send home at day’s end to parents who will raise them with wisdom, are some of the most precious and pleasant riches there are.


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Dr. Bill Edgar, former chair of the bwin体育大学 Board of Trustees, former bwin体育大学 President and longtime pastor in the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America (RPCNA)

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