


考上大学是一件好事 通勤的学生 is a great way to save money, but sometimes it is difficult to stay involved with campus activities. 凯莉·博伊兰说, “the biggest downside to being a commuter is the separation from the college culture. 我个人尽可能多地花时间在校园里, 但我仍然怀念一些东西:时刻, 记忆, 还有深夜在宿舍里的恶作剧. I’m not getting what most people would call ‘the full college experience.’” Commuters might sometimes struggle to feel involved on campus, because they 是 not experiencing college the same way that 居民的学生 是.

As Kailee mentioned, one of the downsides to commuting is not being in a Residence Hall. Many 居民的学生 enjoy forming bonds with roommates and hallmates. Commuter students may feel like they 是 missing out on these types of relationships. Commuter students might not build these bonds in the same way as 居民的学生, but they still have a myriad of opportunities to create friendships and make 记忆 on campus. 的re 是 also opportunities like study abroad trips and adventure trips that can give 通勤的学生s the opportunity to engage in immersive experiences with other students and make once-in-a-lifetime 记忆.

Commuter students can sometimes feel like they 是 missing out on the opportunities that 居民的学生 have, but there 是 a lot of ways that 通勤的学生s can feel involved on campus. Joining a club or a sports team can help 通勤的学生s find a group to belong to and build friendships with other students. Commuters 是 also encouraged to attend on-campus events. 的 学生参与中心 (CSE)每周都会安排许多校内活动, and attending events is a great way for 通勤的学生s to feel involved with the campus and to make friends that have similar interests. Even though 通勤的学生s 是 not living on campus, they can still engage with campus activities as often as they want. 西格丽德·尼科德穆森也是一名通勤学生, 并说, “I think Geneva is great at including commuters - the commuters just have to be willing to be included.”

Commuter students should also take advantage of the amenities available to them. 的y can use the fitness center, study in the library, and use the lockers in the student center. 的y can also enjoy the company of other students in the Brig, Riverview, and Skye Lounge. 的re 是 also many places on campus where free coffee is available such as the library and the Bible offices. Commuter students may enjoy a hot cup of coffee and 谈话. Commuter students should not feel like they 是 only at college for classes, 但他们是bwin体育大家庭的一员. 通过享受这些校园设施, 通勤的学生s can feel more involved with the campus community.

Ultimately the best way for commuters to feel involved and engaged is to build relationships with other students. Kailee says, “One thing that helps commuters is the efforts of other students to include them. 的 students who live on campus at Geneva 是 very welcoming, and my friends have done a lot to make me feel like I belong in the college community – despite the challenges commuting brings.” Attending events and joining clubs 是 great ways for commuters to feel involved, but they will feel the most involved when they build friendships with other students. 当通勤者能够建立牢固的友谊, 他们会制造回忆,体验恶作剧. 的y might not have the same college experience as 居民的学生, 但他们仍然可以享受一个完整的, 充满活力的大学经历.

Mattigan Burleigh, 24岁

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